Hi everyone,

Almost 10 years ago, when I helped with procuring emergency kits, I remember several commercial kits having a "20 year shelf life" battery. They were pretty unusual because they were a "Twist top" design...which actually made me worry because I thought people would pop them into a flashlight without twisting the batteries, and think their batteries were dead.

Now, looking at some of the vendors we used previously, these batteries seemed to have been dropped from the market almost completely.

They were marketed under the name "Code Red" and "Envirotron" and came in D-Cells.

You can see pictures of them here:
and here

Does anyone know what design these batteries used (Zinc/Air? The Code Red batteries suggest a liquid was involved) Were they so useless that that's why we don't see them on the market anymore? (Or is it just because lithium batteries are just so much better?)
