Am I crazy? I don't carry a res-q-me, I don't have a lifehammer in my car, my seat belts are typical and I have power windows. I've looked at devices like Res-Q-Me for years (who remembers that knife with the spring loaded glass breaking punch in the end of it?) and thought, why do I need to carry one of those? I carry either a locking folder (One of two benchmades, or a spyderco atlantic salt), a Leatherman skeletool, or both. When I say I carry, I mean I swim with the Atlantic Salt and I run with the skeletool, I pretty much always have some blade on me. I've had nightmares where I don't have a knife, seriously. I think that as my car is up side down and sinking towards the muddy bottom of a river I'm a lot more likely to instinctively reach for a knife I use several times a day and cut my seat belt, and smash a window, then I am to remember some device I've clipped under my seat or on my keychain and haven't touched in 2 years.

What do you think? Will a skeletool or locking folder get the job done as well as a purpose built device while saving me money and weight carried everyday?

I'm not saying those devices are junk, they're great for people who aren't like me, and a lifehammer would be perfect for say my brother, install it in his car and it is there for him, but I don't think I need one

Edited by roberttheiii (11/19/09 01:25 AM)