I used to be a regular winter hiker, but have slowly turned into more of a warm weather one (I think getting older did that to me!!). When I used to hike, climb, etc, in the winter, we used strictly white gas stoves. I have long since sold or given mine away, and currently have only isopro stoves, that dont work well in below freezing temps, or alcohol stoves, which I have no FIRST HAND experience with.
All research online indicates they are capable of working around greezing temps. My issue is, being in New England, we often have sub zero weather in the colder months. I am wondering if, for instance, I WERE to go camping in the insanely cold weather, would an alcohol bring water to a boil? I understand that it would need more fuel, but, has anyone used one in 0 degree weather? If so, what were your experiences? Does keeping the alcohol warm make a difference? I am looking for personal experiences with this. I have only been playing with alcohol stoves for a couple years, and still have a hard time separating myself from my gear-centric stoves smile
my adventures