I was working for an english mechanic based on my ability to recognise whitworth spanners and knowing how to drive non synchro gearboxes and repair Lucas electrics with an irish screwdriver.
One day a Jaguar 3.8 saloon was towed in with the front bumper and grill mangled. The owner, an older lady was telling my boss David about the SUV that backed up at the bank drive through window when a grumble followed by a huge bird shadow came from above. It was one of the spanish
built Hienkle 111s passing low enroute to Van Nuys AP for the weekend airshow. She lost it, shaking her fist skyward, crying and swearing about nazis, food rationing and father gone 6 years overseas in Africa. I had been brewing 'a cuppa' of Earl Grey from my cobbled tea mess and brought the old Brown Betty Sadler outside. The result was beyond any opiate.
I was recently reading yet another set of studies; one praising and the other condemning caffeine. So, I thought we could discuss what we do after the suicidal moths, polywogs and invisible thingies are filtered, boiled and chemically removed from water.
Most popular are coffee,tea,cocoa a dehydrated soup or even basic bullion broth.So, what is caffeine? it's actually a organic pesticide some plants produce. And it's also consumed in one form or another by @ 90% of us. Thankfully, the FDA has declared it a food or the unofficial #1 cash crop of California would be abandoned.
Actual caffeine content is dependant on many variables and even method of measure. Drip seems to be 115-175 MG ( 8 oz) brewed 80-135 and instant 65-100. Black teas come in @ 60, green tea and cocoa 15.
And it takes at least more than 20-30 of the stuff to have any effect at all, one that actually doesn't happen until an average of 30 minutes, at least in theory, that first morning sip is doing something!
And the belief coffee is diuretic seems to be false, with most drinkers building up a tolerance to what is really a negligable effect.You do not get dehydrated drinking coffee.
I am by prejudice ignoring the many sodas and energy drinks.
These are what first time park visitors, (like the tourists I horsepacked into one backcountry vacation) ask for the location of a vending machine. You know, the one that would need 30 miles of electrical cord?

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (05/20/09 12:59 AM)