I got into my car after work and made a discovery- the driver's side door won't latch. Grumble, stupid thing is frozen. Bang on it, and give it a shot of warm Wd-40 and work it a bit. Then I realize that I'm throwing the latch with the lock locked and neither of the handles pulled. Dang thing has failed in the open and won't close for you no matter what you do position. Great.

Call the garage- they have someone there, yeah!! They think they can at least look at it tommorrow. Great guys, Williston Wheels, and they are as hard core on customer service as I am.

So... Pull some of the hook up wire out of my bag of tricks. Wire the door shut and slide in from the other side. CAREFULLY drive it the two miles there. Put every thing I don't want sitting around in the back pack I keep in the care for such occasions. OK, six miles to go. Haven't done that in a while.... Stopped for fried chicken at the half way mark (see, not an emergency for anyone else). Took two hours to do the six miles, but I wasn't pushing and it's got a lot of up and down.

-Empty backpack in car is good.
-Headlamps are the bomb.
-Keep a road map for your town in the car or EDC, it will show you short cuts.
-Boots that are a little slippy are a pain in the butt and will be replaced soon.
-Layers. I was wearing a sweater and light jacket, with the sleeves of the sweater rolled up and gloves to keep my hands warm.
-Listen to your little voice. I almost didn't wear sweats and wool socks under my utilities this morning, but the little voice told me to. I listen to the voices, they keep me warm.
-Mini-climates are an amazing thing. Get west of the airport, heading towards the lake, and the temp goes up 3-5 degrees and the wind nearly stops after a mile.
-Keep your ears open. Had a dog try to rush me, heard it at about 35 feet and it stopped when I turned and wuffed at it. Ear buds would have let me find out if it was playing a game.
-Beards are manly for a reason- we can wear less to stay warm.

Nice shake down of my EDC for the reason why I carry that gear.

And now I'm getting up early and taking the bus.... Ugh. Ear buds then. At least I'm going tobe able to grab a new bus schedule.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.