If you're a Ray Mears fan like I am, you'll be happy to hear that there are a couple of his videos from various shows (World of Survival, Extreme Survival, etc.) that can be viewed on YouTube.

Most are split up into 10 minute increments so you'll need to pay attention to which Episode and Part you're viewing, but it's worthwhile to look for them and watch them in order.

I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but I remember a recent discussion about trying to find Ray Mears shows, and I ran across these while doing a search this afternoon.

On a related note, as you watch the episodes, check the "Related" tab on the right to find even more related videos on a number of survival topics.

Edited by Nicodemus (07/27/07 07:00 PM)
Edit Reason: Additional Info
"Learn survival skills when your life doesn't depend on it."