I am going to start sailing on the Western Rivers probably within the next several days. In regards to this change in my area of operations, I am adding/subtracting the following to/from my BoB:

1) Adding state road maps and aviation VFR charts for Missippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky. These will cover the areas that I will be having to cross in case Bugging Out becomes necessary. I may still have to add more maps but I'll wait and see what else I may require.

2) Dropping my "Food Tube" (6 LBS weight) since the areas that I will be crossing (in the event I have to Bug Out towards home) will be more populated and with more easily available food and water supplies.

3) During winter, I will have to carry approximately 10 LBS of additional winter gear.

Does anybody have suggestions of additional considerations that I may be missing. Yes, I am an expert "scrounger".
The best luck is what you make yourself!