Greatings; I hope I find you all well. Anybody ever hear the expression " When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"? I was thinking about a thread on another site, that was talking about the kinds of stuff backpackers/hikers carry that would be applicable in a survival situation. Generally not much specific survival stuff, but what if you looked at how the stuff that you carry would function in a what if situation? It seams to me that if we were to select our backpacking equipment as "survival" gear, we would end up with a rather large, very complete,functional survival kit that we were very familier with because we used it more frequently than I would guess most of us use or pratice with our kits. Heck, even with the "normal" loadout that I carried when in BSA and after, I was much more equipped to handle any emergency that might crop up then I an now with "only" access to my EDC. Yes mindset and knowlege and hopefully judgment has increased over the years, but I think if more backpackers started looking as their stuff less as recreational gear and more as survival gear. there would be minimal changes in general with marked increases in durabillity, functionallity and personal viabillity should the situation arise. Thoughts? Respectfully; Jim