Picked up a "Ready Kit" by Home Guard Inc. today at Home Depot for $27.

The kit from Home Depot came with:
-- Orange, cordura-like pack
-- 50 sq ft of plastic sheeting and duct tape
-- 12 x 200 cal lifeboat ration bars; 10 x 4.2 oz water packs
-- Turnoff wrench
-- 1 2D flashlight
-- 1 2AAA AM/FM radio
-- 4 D and 4 AAA batts
-- 1 pr disposable sani gloves; 2 bio-hzd bags, 1 2-gal water carrier bag, 1 N95 mask
-- small first-aid kit
-- whistle
--emergency booklet and form for family contact info

For the money, it seems like a nice start for an in-house bag. Flashlight was absolute junk, so it's been replaced. Other stuff seemed OK for what it was. Little AM/FM radio actually works pretty well.

Naturally, being an ETS person, I've already supplemented the livin' heck out of the contents of the orange backpack... and nearly all of it from stuff I already had here at the apartment. Odd what this site does to a guy ... I already had a bag full of odds & ends longing for a home in a kit. (and that bag's still far from empty!)

For my purposes, I probably wouldn't mind havin' some more visqueen, some water blocks and a case of MREs stowed, but otherwise feelin' fairly well set up for the apartment, the truck and my EDC.