I recently landed in a major airport at night and while the plane was docking the lights inside the airplane kept going off (this happened over and over again). I was surprised to find that no emergency lights came on at all inside the plane. Even though we were right next to a bright airport terminal, the plane itself was surprisingly almost completely dark.

The first time the lights went off it was for a moment and there were a few "oh's" but very little reaction. However, as it happened several times in a row for longer periods of time it surprised me that there was almost a sense of panic by some people. I thought of it as nothing more than a minor incovenience. I was thinking of where my flashlights were and I was busy reaching for them... after all, I had a Photon II in my left pocket, an Infinity Ultra in my backpack front pocket, a Twin Task in my backpack main compartment, another Photon on my keyring in backpack... I felt safe and prepared.

So as the lights went out the second time, I pulled out the Photon and turned it on (while I was reaching for the Ultra in case someone else needed it). I was surprised how much better people felt with some light in the cabin. I was also surprised to see no other lights going on. I didn't really feel like I needed it on, but I thought it might make other people feel better and it seemed to do just that.

So, on a commercial airplane with about 100 people, as far as I could tell, I was the only one with a flashlight (4 actually). If this had been an emergency situation, I think the panic level because of the darkness may have risen quickly. A dark plane feels pretty claustrophobic. I noticed that I wasn't worried about the plane or my safety (I knew I could see to get out), but I was a bit nervous of other people's reactions to the situation. Now there seemed to be no emergency, just a docking issue where the plane was losing power instead of hooking up to the airport's power system.

Interestingly, I had also recently done something that I thought might be useful. I had thought about an emergency situation (such as being in a plane) and I worried that if I were to just carry a small flashlight in my pocket, pull it out and use it, I might get bumped and lose it. So I added a cord to my extra Photon II. I actually tie it onto my belt loop and put it in my pocket so if I fall or get bumped, it'd still be with me no matter what. My shirt covers the little cord so nobody sees. I have a Photon on my keyring but my keys aren't always with me in my right pocket. But I always keep my other Photon II in my left pocket just in case. I had also put on the cords that came with the Infinity and with the Twin Task for the same reason. There would be nothing worse than needing a flashlight, having one, but losing it while you're trying to leave just because you tripped or got bumped.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank this forum for all the great advice and lists and excuses to buy more and more really fun gear. I realized I could have stayed in that plane, had light until dawn, drank water, eaten snacks, fixed minor medical issues, read my book, listened to cds, and been perfectly fine. I was a well planned, self-contained unit!

So I realized even if I never use even one piece of my gear ever again, I will always feel safer for having thought of what I would do in an emergency situation and for having the right gear to help me through it! Thanks!

Everyone's getting Photons for Christmas this year. I'm now willing to take the teasing I'll get for giving them!