I see this life capsule for $40.Its a nice piece but not something I would spend $40 on,so I got to think'in what could I make to carry a few bucks,pills or whatever and hang on my keychain?

First I thought of a 1/2 inch length of copper pipe,solder a cap on one end and use a pin of some sort to hold a cap on the other.

Then it hit me! Cut down a mini mag! Ok walmart was selling them for $6.96,since most already own one replace it with a new one for 7 bucks.take your old one cut it to length,and make a plug for the cut end.A dowel about 1/2 inch long sould do it along with a little liquid nails and maybe a small screw.The tail cap end already has an "o" ring along with a hole for key rings or cord!

These may not be for everyone,but if you want a way to carry small things or some rolled money,keep them dry and protected from being crushed might just be the ticket.