I'm moving home to Texas. I'll be north of Houston, within roaming distance of swamps and bayous, the coast, pine woodlands, and desert. I've been reevaluating the contents of my BOB and vehicle "Oh S**T Kit". The vehicle kit is what I carry when I wander and will fit in the lid pocket of a small rucksack. I was going to get a Becker Brute to compliment the kit, right now I have an SAK in the kit and usually grab Becker Companion when I'm going into the field. (I like the Beckers because I have long fingers and the grips work well for me.) Right now I have a "Pocket Chainsaw" in the kit and I'm trying to think of what I could do with the larger knife that I couldn't with a smaller knife (say a Fallkinven F-1) and the saw?

Here in Idaho my knife choices were pretty cut and dry (no the pun was not intended). I am in the mountains or desert, no moisture to effect the carbon blades, the primary survival need is fire and shelter, not water like it is in Texas. I'm beginning to wonder how high on my list the large knife should be? What can I really use it for that I can't use the smaller knife and a saw for?
What do ya'll think?