Equipped To Survive Needs Your Help<br><br>The good news is that the Equipped To Survive site continues to grow and become ever more popular. Since 9/11 traffic has more than doubled and continues to maintain at high levels. The bad news is that we are outgrowing our server. For the second time recently we have filled up the server's hard drive, crashing some site features (including this forum), and only some judicious trimming of log files and some other stuff has us back in operation. So, I'm seeking donation(s) of old equipment that you may have laying around.<br><br>At the least we need a new, larger hard drive. We are currently running a 4GB IDE drive, so it wouldn't take much to better that. Something 10GB or larger would provide us with plenty of room to grow.<br><br>As long as I am begging, we could also use a faster processor, we are currently running with a 333 MHz Celeron. If you have an older desktop tower or rack mount box around that is complete with a larger hard drive and faster processor, or just a processor for that matter, that would be great too. As you probably know, ETS is not an income producing endeavor, so even as inexpensive as new equipment has gotten these days, a donation is the only way we can afford to upgrade and our ISP, who has been extraordinarily generous over the years, is not currently in a position to upgrade us.<br><br>Your donation may be tax deductible. We recently formed Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit Arizona corporation, and we will be submitting our Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) to the IRS next week. Assuming that our application is eventually approved (can take months), your donation will be tax deductible, but of course I cannot guarantee that our application will be approved.<br><br>Thanks for your help and continued support. If you can assist us with this, please contact me directly via email to: dritter@equipped.org
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation