Craig_phx - I really like the second (non blackened) fixed blade. What kind is it?

Keys w/ Photon
Kershaw Baby Boa
Space Pen
Flat Duct tape
Knife Sharpener
RIver Rock AA LED
Cell phone

Maxpedition Jumbo

removable PSK
Bark RIver Mikro Slither

Jumbo Contents

1. Metal Cup and Nalgene
2. Tea, Crackers, PB & J
3. Handwarmers / Light Cord
4. Large Zip Ties around small Fishing kit secured
by ranger band
5. N95 mask
6. Bandana
7. Sack, Nalgene sized
8. Heat Sheet
9. Nail file / clippers etc.
10. Permanent marker and Bandana
11. Flashlight
12. Juice Multi tool
13 Harmonica
14 Tissue
15. Fox 40 whistle
16. Extra car remote
17. Small Bic Lighter
18. Hand lotion
19. Work Keys
21. Pocket wrench
22. Pen
23. Aspirin
24. Cotton balls / with vasoline
Ranger bands
Knot card
Very fine sand paper
Phone card
Small note book
25. Compass
26. LockNLock
Duct Tape
Needles and thread
Dental Floss
Spark Light w/ tinder
Hot Spark
Mini Bic
Mini Tabasco bottle with lighter fluid
Chlorine tablets
27. Zip Lock with small zip ties, tin foil and safety pins
28. Emergency Cash, mostly $20s, $10s, and Fives
29. Hand Sanitizer
30. PDA
31. Sun Screen
32. 550 Cord
33. Batteries
34. Frenzel Lens and medium Zip ties
35. Assorted Ziplocks
36. Heavy Duty Lg Garbage bag
37. !st aid kit
38. Paper (for letters)
Not pictured - Camera

"2+2=4 is not life, but the beginning of death." Dostoyevsky

Bona Na Croin