Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
Glad to hear that it wasn't your ticker. Yet. But I can't help but think that as you get older that stress is going to do nothing but bad things to you. If I were you, I would consider a career change. Different people handle stress, no matter what the source might be, differently. Apparently this job is causing stress that you can't handle well. There are a lot of jobs available out there, but only one life. My wifes best friend, a law enforcement dispatcher for 20+ years, (a very high stress job,) started showing severe signs of stress a couple of years ago, yesterday it killed her. Look for a new job...

I like to troubleshoot problems in IT but this admin job is dam boring and causing great deal of confusion for me. My mind is in constant chaos. My mind blank out a few times while driving home on a local street. I will look for another job in May since I can't afford to quit now.