They get around in wet and soft conditions with ease.

There are numerous web sites devoted to souping them up, making them faster, and customizing the body. (there's even a mini-hummer body for sale)

A lift kit is mostly to clear larger wheels and tires, which makes a cart faster, while trading low speed torque. Wheel kits and lift kits are quite modest in cost. Some folks go with highly aggressive tread for traction and vanity, but I use mine for golf (I have two), so I don't want a bill for tearing up a course.

The stock alternator is also the starter, and puts out enough current to charge the battery, run lights, stereo, fan/swamp cooler/AC or heater.

There are winter sides, windshields, whipers, boxes, baskets, dump beds, strobe lights, extra seats, litter racks, and 2-way radio kits for sale. My new cart has Golf GPS built in, for distance to the flag.

My 10 year old worn out cart can climb into the bed of a lifted 3/4T 4X4 Ford from a dead stop from the bottom of the ramps.

Parts are cheap and readily available over the net. A new engine is around $400, but they are pretty simple to overhaul. A new spark plug, fuel filter, oil filter annual tune-up kit costs about $15, and you'll need a quart or so of oil for the annual change.