To all,<br><br>I want to thank those of you who responded to my many questions. The information and web site suggestions have come in handy in correcting some of my misconceptions on water and food storage. There is much info on the web and it sometimes is overwhelming tring to find info but many of you have had the same questions that I have and your insight has been enlighting to say the least. There were different opinions and different grades of suggestions but all in all I have a better prepared stash of necessities. I have discovered many sites that I think are worth looking into if those who wish to begin preparing or are in the midst of preparing for events unknown. I am no expert but I have learned much and would be glad to answer questions or email some of the sites that I have visited to those who are interested. <br><br>Thanks to all,<br>Barracuda<br><br>Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. <br>—Thomas Jefferson <br>