Careful... the inverter I'm talking about allows you to run 110V appliances off your car's battery. I've seen a decent one at Costco for $60 that would run my computer, or a small tv / radio / etc.

Previous threads on here have good things to say about Honda engines and Honda generators. I have a generator which is not made by Honda, but which has a honda engine.

I don't know what you situation is, but if you're on a budget, I'd buy the most generator I could for the money, then be careful about how much stuff you try to run at one time. Few people have the financial means to buy a generator that will let them run everything they'd like to run all at once. And even if you can afford it, you have to remember that years will go by that you won't use it AT ALL. So there your money sits, collecting dust.

(My 6000W generator from last year smirks at me each time I get in the car. Power failed during Charlie. So I bought a generator. The power hasn't failed since, and that was with two more near hits after Charlie. *sigh*)