Reddave, you said what I believe... except the part about skilled individuals going ahead and suturing in the field. Even IF YOU ARE a trauma surgeon or some other similarly skilled practitioner, I disagree with suturing to close a wound in the field. This thread seems to always come up, and I guess there are always going to be forumites who still would suture.

So.. fair WARNING TO ANYONE who goes into the back country WITH ME:
1) Expect to get lost, and/or injured. Usually it's me who does so, but once (just once) it was the other guy.
2) If you get cut enough so bleeding is a problem, I promise to do my best to stop it with direct pressure or as a last ditch step with clamps or ligatures.
3) I promise I will not suture or staple to close the wound. I'll steri-strip, butterfly, ..even duct tape.
4) And if I'm the wounded party, I promise I'll cut or shoot you if you try to suture me! Then we can do it your way..on you!