I understand your ideals, and I am willing to fight to preserve our freedoms just the same, but you must understand this; the first time a car bomb goes off that kills people you care for, and you find out that the cops could've searched the vehicle, had every opportunity to do it, but the driver refused and so was sent on his merry way, how will you feel then? How about after the 4th or 5th time it happens? How many people that you care for must die before you decide that being searched is better than being killed? That is the real practical conclusion to this scenario.

Iraqis hate being searched all the time. They have told me this many times over. They endure it day in and day out because they know that everyone that comes here is searched, and this is a safe place for them to be, unlike outside where they don't get searched that much, but people get blown up and shot everyday.

That isn't what is happening back home, thank God. If it ever does, you can be sure that searching people regularly will be a fact of life that you cannot avoid.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)