I changed note-taking platforms and can’t find inventories for those kits right now. When they’re back from college I’ll be able to do a physical inventory and update. Meanwhile, this is what I think they have:

  • Trauma kit — one of the College Offspring is trained to treat a GSW or similar wound, and the other (who has declined this training) might have someone with them that can
  • Boo Boo Kit
  • LM Rebar
  • Mora Companion (stainless)
  • Ritter PSP (one online retailer had several left in stock and I bought them out)
  • Heatsheets 2 person emergency blanket
  • Millennium emergency food bars
  • Water bottle with water in it
  • primary-battery to USB-charger gizmo, with a lithium primary battery in it
  • Spare USB to Lightning cable (each Offspring is required to leave such a cable in the cockpit of their car at all times)
  • Spare 12VDC to USB adapter (also required in the cockpit)
  • Spare 120VAC to USB adapter
  • Duct tape
  • Silicone self-fusing “rescue tape”
  • Wet wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Bic lighter
  • A 2x AA flashlight with primary batteries in it
  • 4x extra AA batteries

The Ham Radio Offspring refused a ham HT in this kit, but does keep one at school.

I’m doing more and more with HF and I’m thinking about putting an HF transceiver kit in my car.