Some of the most joyous videos I see on YouTube are those when a prepper, bushcrafter, outdoor enthusiast, or family handyman is joined by his spouse and kids doing things together. On the other side of the spectrum, there are people who do their thing alone, and their surrounding people are neutral or even negative.

Take for example, a person surrounded by people arguing about the bathroom and kitchen tiles not being fashionable these days, and having to replace them, when the guy's brain is grinding thoughts about how small their pantry is and having to scan the house (almost like a CT-scan) to find any space for another secondary pantry to prep for the supply chain mess. This is not to mention how the additional (unnecessary) home improvement projects they want are putting extra burden on the finances ...

As a prepper, do you have support from surrounding people?
If not, does it add a burden on you ?
Do it affect your prepping efficiency/effectiveness ?

And, how do you deal with it ??