We’re use a mix of bags and boxes. The bags have first aid symbology on velcro patches to indicate which compartment to get at medical gear. The bins are not labeled but they’re kept in a location clearly communicated to all of the family. Our camping gear has its own place in the garage.

We have two comprehensive emergency kit bags in each of my wife’s and my cars. Either kit is designed to serve for short term emergencies and to be the core of the larger system.

For longer term events, there are two “wife portable” bins designed to add additional capability. They’ve never been in the cars except for testing. The OTC meds we commonly use are replenished from the bins and immediately replaced with fresh ones.

There’s one more, smaller bin for wound closure in austere conditions. Three of us have been trained on this and I hope we never have to use it. NB: Don’t close serious wounds unless you’ve made 100% sure they’re clean, and it’s always better to get to definitive care if it’s available.

I laid in a pretty decent supply of pandemic-specific items kept near those bins, that we’ve been using as needed. I was able to provide Eldest Offspring some hand sanitizer to bring to college from that.

There are two emergency ammo boxes (one for pistol and one for rifle), staged near the aforementioned bins, never to be touched except for actual emergencies that we hope will never come.