For years my go to fire/ smoke/ germs/ gas compact escape mask has been the XCaper mask ,teamed with waterproof swim googles. A compact package to keep in my EDC bag to aid in emergency exit from a burning building, smoke filled tunnel , gas leak or terror attack. Not perfect, but affordable, compact and with a decent shelf life.

But it seems that XCaper is exiting the field or so it seems to me. So what is an acceptable solution . Replacement must shield from CO, ,formaldehyde, germs, smoke and particulates, radioactive particles is a plus, but not a necessity. Must be effective for about 20 minutes, to insure sake escape time. .Must be light and compact, fit over a short beard. Covering glasses if it’s a hood.. Price under $100 preferable, but not a deal breaker.

I’ve been browsing the internet and find no s” standard” to measure performance. Lots of product, but little solid facts , which are confirmavle re performance. Most don’t block or absorb CO. Anyone have any reliable suggestions or articles to give solid pros and cons on the myriad choices?

Edited by Acropolis50 (07/15/20 03:48 AM)