Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
I don't have much use for an axe nor a hatchet although I do like my Fiskars splitting maul. For self defense I prefer a firearm, usually a 9mm on me, occasionally a .38 revolver, or a 12ga pump when I'm out for a couple days. I feel that 12ga slugs will be better if I need to ward off a bear than a hatchet! wink I would rather not get close enough to use the hatchet! eek
Making kindling is kind of tough with a 9mm.

Ironically, never taken a firearm camping, had about a half dozen encounters with black bears and one distant mountain lion.

Maybe in grizzly country I would.

Look at all the old time trappers. What did they take?

A saw is great for cutting trees into logs, but when you're just busting up sticks, a hatchet is a lot more effective. You aren't building a log cabin with the thing. Go watch "naked and afraid," Les Stroud, Bear Grylls, or any YouTube survival channel. How big are the sticks in their fire? Not exactly saw materiel. Do you ever see anyone on Naked & Afraid bring a saw as their item?