Originally Posted By: EMPnotImplyNuclear
Originally Posted By: Russ
Nitrile gloves. Too much hand sanitizer dries out your hands and makes them more vulnerable.

How do two layers of a cotton bandana work compare to an actual N-95 mask? I imagine they aren’t comparable, the bandana certainly doesn’t seal, but may give a false sense of security.

One thing I noted from that table was that vaccumm cleaner bags are probably the closest thing to an N95 mask for filtering. Has anyone seen a rush on these bags to turn them into homemade face masks? My vacuum has cyclonic action and doesn't use bags so I don't have any just lying around.

P.S. There is a difference between an N95 mask and an N95 respirator. The respirator has a tight fit to the face and is constructed differently -- it's not just a filter, it's a barrier.