Raised 4 teenagers, had to sit out some road closure 3 day blizzards with them: I feel your pain.

Teens have the task of distancing themselves from the parental dependence of their earlier childhood, and establishing themselves as independent adults which involves firmly rejecting parental behavior and slavishly adopting peer group behavior.

It might be good for them to hear that this is not a trivial exercise in governmental or parental control designed merely to ruin their lives. We are under attack from a lethal pathogen. We need to ranger up and acknowledge that people we know will be very sick or dead as a result of this attack, and that our actions right now will determine how many are sick in three weeks.

Maybe they need what we all need, and what you have offered in your post: a chance to move away from self-absorption and into an orientation of helping others. They could work on contacting their friends and making sure that their heads are in an okay place. Maybe find a church youth group that is doing a live youtube chat group, or some other techno-magic beyond my poor power to imagine. Or a atheist/agnostic youth group, tho those are harder to find. Maybe a project around the homestead,or an exercise in cleaning all the firearms in the house.

Or maybe not. I wasn't all that good with my kids in the crunch. YMMV
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.