Our youngest, perhaps best called dramamagnet, asked what we’re doing to get ready for COVID-19.

We have a range of possible responses, but mostly what we’ve done is lay in a modest supply of extra OTC meds, herbal teas, and fixings for electrolyte replacement, I responded. We may get to the point where I work from home for a few weeks and keep you and the other little Magnets out of school, but we’re not there yet and it doesn’t seem likely based on what we know now. Please maintain appropriate social distancing and wash your hands frequently.

Our biggest potential issue would be if we had extended utilities outages, but I explained that I’m not doing anything unusual about that (we do own a good generator with a small amount of fuel on hand). Young dramamagnet doesn’t have the context so I didn’t say that this is our approximate equivalent of wildman800’s HURCON 5.