Looks like Aspen Colorado has had three bear attacks recently.


When we went huckleberry picking a couple of weekends ago we were in black bear, wolf, cougar country with a small dog and kids. We just brought spray. All those critters are hunted there, so the chances of attack are slim, but still there is the occasional cougar attack of dogs or kids, If it was just adults we wouldn't have bothered with anything.

The wolf pack there has killed about 30 calves in the last year or so.http://nwsportsmanmag.com/wdfw-releases-more-info-on-removal-of-opt-pack-court-case-impact/

Friends of a friend's family also lost livestock to another wolf pack nearby

I look for the lightest gear I own that will work for the conditions.

For wolf, cougar, black bear that means spray or a Ruger LCRX 3" revolver with hard cast handloads. The grizzly country means bear canister for food, spray and at least 1 44 mag in the group.