Jokes aside, I can see a practical application for some of the items listed.

Scenario: You live in the city; you don't have the firepower, manpower or nerves of steel to secure your apartment or condo from those who would ransack every residence for a few bandaids and a can of soup.

They come to your place that shouts to the world, "I'm a designer, not a prepper." They search anyhow, high and low, finding clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies and a kitchen stocked with your gourmet saucepan, dishes and eating utensils. They take your olive oil and spices which you placed there for that purpose.

They leave everything that you have hidden in plain sight such as your survival clock, two book-size boxes you have among your books and an aluminum cylinder blended in with your decor. You are an artistic genius, after all.

Jeanette Isabelle
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday