Originally Posted By: haertig
...Why the docs jumped right to the pacemaker plan without seriously addressing the electrolyte imbalance is a mystery...

This may have been a case of "when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail": I was in an explosion, had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my face, scalp, and ears. After the ER, I went to a plastic surgeon, who gave me a jar of silvidine (sp?) and told me to scrub my head twice a day for two weeks, then come back. His mindset was that there would inevitably be scar tissue and he would clean that up afterwards.
AuntGoo is an Occupational Therapist and part of her schooling was burn therapy. She did the burn debridement for me (there was NO way that I could have done that for myself) and minimized the scarring--the plastic surgeon didn't get any business from me.