I too find this story somewhat unbelievable, but you never know...all wild animals are unpredictable. I know of several incidents where wolves have investigated campers sleeping out at night...the first happened to my father and mother in October of 1946 when they went hiking and got caught in a freak snowstorm in the high foothills of Alberta. The heavy snow forced them to make camp for the night rather than try to make their way home. My father was very skilled in outdoor survival, he established the first search and rescue school for the Royal Canadian Air Force during WW 2 and had spent many years prior to that in the Arctic, fur trading...needless to say, he was well prepared, even on what was to be a short day hike. They built a fire, made a bed of spruce boughs and went to sleep. During the night wolves came around to investigate their camp. My mother could see their eyes reflecting the fire as they nosed around the primeter of the campsite. She was very scared and kept waking my father who just kept telling her not to worry and would roll over and go back to sleep. He knew they wouldn't harm a human being but she would not let it go until he did something about it. So, he finally got up, threw some more wood on the fire and bellowed as loud as he could at the wolves...they took off and never returned. I have also had the experience of wolves nosing around my campsite while winter camping in Manitoba. They'll come nosing around to check you out but never near enough to be a problem. They are probably more scared of us than we are of them. But I do know that if you have a dog with you they will try to kill it, wolves hate dogs.