120 VAC could be achieved with an inverter. Some of them can be hooked up to the cigarette lighter socket. Check for the fuse though and use a unit that stays within the limits of that fuse. Keep in mind that the inverter draws a current that is about 10 times the output current (there is some loss).
For the solar array you would have to do a rough estimate for currents you want to draw and the available space for storage. A size that can be easily stored in a car may give you about 2 - 3 A per panel. It probably can be hooked up via a lighter socket (check whether that is permitted for the Prius) or directly to the battery. Make sure to use a regulator.
I use Anderson Powerpoles for connections. They ensure the proper polarity and do not have genders.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.