Originally Posted By: EMPnotImplyNuclear
I kinda got carried away , you've been warned smile

Don't you worry, one can keep talking about knives for ages... smile

I know this can easily seem like an iteration of the evergreen discussion "If you can carry only one knife, what would it be?". The difference here is that I don't plan to get stranded on a desert island anytime soon, but I would like to have only one knife, or as few as possible, for a very mundane reason: I use to travel 100 miles away from home with 3 friends in a small car already filled to the brim with supplies, and I can't afford to bring my whole kitchen with me.

I'm aware that a single knife can't possibly excel in every task I mentioned earlier. I'll content myself with a good all-rounder.

I think I'll put the Mora 748 on the test for the next couple of outings. Eventually, as soon as I can afford it, I think I'll settle with a two-knives setup, a bigger bushcraft style blade for chopping and a smaller paring knife for more detailed work.

Edited by albusgrammaticus (02/10/18 03:42 PM)