1. Correct, if they don't get to the contact person, they will launch. The vast majority of alerts are cleared when it is discovered by calling that it was an inadvertent alert and not an emergency.

2. One common strategy these days is to provide a link in the registration remarks/additional info section to a URL/web page where you post your trip plan/float plan, etc. Lots of ways to make that concept work that is easy to do versus logging into the NOAA site and changing what's there.

3. Make sure you also include your cell number in the listing (there's a place for it) as that is one of the most common solutions to whether it's a real alert or not. Commonly first number called when alert is from someplace where it's questionable that it is real.
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation