Some lessons I noticed ...

* Evacuate Early. If you are at home and you're still listening to the Governor's Final Warning on TV ... you should have left days ago.

* Don't drive into deep water. Many cars & vans have all-electric features ... windows .. door locks. When these are disabled by deep water, the vehicle becomes a death trap.

* If you know a disaster is approaching - a few days ahead - keep your gas tank full.

* Keep some empty Coke bottles (large plastic) in the garage or closet. In an emergency, fill them with tap water. Why buy at the supermarket??

* If you wait to evacuate until you are DEAD SURE there is trouble, you could surely be dead. There will always be major uncertainty before every big emergency.

* Have some pre-cut plywood for your windows. Doors too, if necessary.

* If flooding is a risk, keep some sheets of plywood in your garage and some cinderblocks (cement). Pile the blocks on top of each other and build some makeshift shelves above floor level. Place all personal stuff there (that won't go in your car).