I guess I should have phrased that a little differently nomad, easy access AND easy to reseal. If i cut the tape to access something inside the can, I'd have to then retape it to reseal it. Granted, it's just putting new tape on and wouldn't really be that big a deal, but for me, I'd be in a hurry and not reseal it right away, then forget. Better for me to pop the lid off, get what I need, put the lid back on, no other steps required. You are right tho, 19 bucks for a large storage container is a good price point, depending on the size of the garbage can. I found 50 gal totes for 29.97 at big box store, I'm still in the window shopping stage so no big rush to decide just yet but will certainly keep the garbage can idea in mind. I'm considering all the options, and I'll also have to determine how much space i'll have in the garage once it gets cleaned up. I'm sure that will be a driving factor in the decision, as will budget.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?