Sterling Silver cutlery sets are quite expensive and require maintenance to stop them oxidizing. Kitchen staff were usually left to do this if your living somewhere like Dowton Abbey. Typical sets will range from around £6000-£25,000
I've never been able to find a Cutlery manufacturer who offers a Titanium Cutlery Set. Solid Gold Cutlery sets are extremely expensive usually the realm of those who live in despotic countries, have matching bathroom taps and their home decor is quite outlandish, opulent and distasteful.
Plated Silver Nickel Silver set are available that are durable enough to be serviceable for 40 years

I'll probably just stick with quality simple German WFM 10/18 Stainless for everyday use.

Unfortunately though, the use of cutlery is being discouraged in re-education establishments so that young people are being trained to eat food now with either a plastic spoon/spork or with just their fingers. Soon they may not even recognize what a knife or fork is let alone specialist cutlery i.e. Steak, Fish etc or have the etiquette in how they are used.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (02/13/15 05:50 AM)