I was worried about the magnets, too, and will probably add a backup loop of some sort. There are lots of blacksmith resources on the internet, anvilfire being my favorite. You can find lots of forge plans there. My version was focused on portability, cuz I was living nomadic for a bit. The aluminum foil dryer vent is attached to the axle hole in the tire rim, and feeds air from a hairdryer to the base of the fire pit. Truth is, I can hold the dryer in my hand and achieve forging heat in a charcoal grill, campfire on the ground, or cast iron stove.

In time, I will build a masonry forge with a longer firebox with air feed from the side, so I can work with longer pieces of steel. I get my steel from home depot, flea markets, scrap metal dealers, roadside finds, and by bartering for chicken grin

Thanks for your interest. Metalwork has freed me from the lust to purchase other guys knives, and opened up a potential income stream doing light ornamental work for friends.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.