I basically agree with your point; the ultimate test is of the message, not the bearer of the message.

My intent is to urge everyone to research the people and science behind the thousands of health claims on the internet, especially the type that says something to the effect of "I have the simple explanation and cure to this terrible medical problem. . ."

I will also admit a special sensitivity and anger with these types of claims because of my experiences with a family member with an incurable condition who spent copious amounts of badly needed money on every snake oil promise that came along, only to be bitterly disappointed time after time. One time, they were even sold a cream containing snake venom. (Really!)

How do we decide? My belief is in science, double-blind studies and peer reviewed studies. All the tough boring stuff. Yes, sometimes these can lead you astray or be downright wrong; but they are the most accurate tools we have. Not perfect, just the best we presently have available. smile

The point Dr. Lundell makes about inflammation and diet may be true. I also think that Dr. Lustig's theory in "Sugar, the bitter truth" (long video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM ) also explains a lot about the causes of obesity and heart disease. Statins are now beginning to be shown to actually help in the reduction and removal/repair of arterial lesions/damage. (http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/706400_5), but may also cause an increase in the risk for diabetes (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110621164708.htm) I guess there really isn't any such thing as a free lunch.

It is no surprise that our diet affects our health. Yet, my grandfathers were all dead by age 65 of heart attacks. Their diets having been born in the late 1890's and living in the early 20th century, were not like ours. Yet, they still had and died of heart disease. My Dad and his brothers lived into their late 70's and early 80's, and all had various forms of heart disease. Though I have various heart health risks/problems, I'm in much better health then they were at the same age. Modern meds are, IMO, the key reason for this.

Science and knowledge progresses slowly and with hard, diligent methodical work.

In all medical matters, I just urge everyone to be careful and informed about their condition and the treatments. Remember the old adage that "For every serious and complex problem, there is a single solution that is simple, easy and wrong"

Try to identify and avoid the snake oil (or snake venom cream) salesmen. There are no simple cures or solutions to these health problems.
"Better is the enemy of good enough."