Mostly like the show but it seems the writers are deliberately pushing people's buttons by making some of the characters really dense and useless (Lori and Andrea) or aggrevating (Shane). But very subtley they have made guys like Glenn and Daryl the most interesting.

Have you checked out the discussion board on the AMC website? Some interesting discussions but at the same time you can tell that some people have really taken this show to heart. They also have a bit of a character quiz to see whom you most resemble on the show. Of course it's flawed but it was intersting to note I resembled Rick the most (although a Dale or Glenn wouldn't have insulted me either.)

I've watched the show (entertainment value only) since show 1 and then watched the New Year's eve marathon to pick up on a few extra details. It's only been the last couple of years that I have been watching the "Dead" movies having watched the original show waaayyyy back when.