I'm not big into New Year's resolutions but I have some goals for 2012 that are related to being equipped and prepared, so I thought I would share them here.

  • Update and expand written emergency response plans and checklists, with an eye to providing my wife with guidance if I'm not available.
  • Get back into regular physical fitness training.
  • Seek to improve my first aid knowledge, probably with a Wilderness First Responder class.
  • Continue to take the family camping at least a few times each year.
  • Buy a PLB or an InReach, or alternatively rent an Iridium phone for our out-of-cell-service camping and hiking destinations (one of our favorite locations has coverage from a popular ham radio repeater, so that may end up being an exception).
  • January marks my annual Full BOB Disassembly and Reassembly Procedure. I've added a few things in 2011 (thanks, guys!) and it's gotten a bit heavy and hard to pack. I'm going to reduce redundancy in a couple of areas and see if I can't get weight and space a bit more under control.
  • Run our credit reports from one of the three credit reporting agencies every four months (you're entitled to one free report per year from each agency in the US). I already found some minor discrepancies left over from a previous identity theft attempt that I'm working to clean up.

Any goals for 2012 that you want to share?