Originally Posted By: Susan
A guy reports that after he used a pepper spray on an assailant, the police came. They refused to take the bad guy to the station. Why? They didn't want to be in the same car with him. They made the good citizen who just defended himself drive the perp to the station.

That sounds like an urban legend. If the cops use pepper spray themselves, what do they do with the perps they've sprayed?

Otherwise, got a roof rack and some rope?

Actually, I've read somewhere that you can modify the effects with milk (I would go with whole milk), but I don't know if that is true.

But I've found that if I've eaten something that is too hot due to too much pepper, a spoonful of sugar with a little water in it instantly neutalizes the capsicum. So why wouldn't it work topically?

Would anyone care to do an experiment for the edification of the rest of us? grin


If cops don't want to transport someone, they do not recruit a citizen, they call ems, and let the paramedics transport the maced, tased, vomiting, bleeding, hysterical, or contaminated person; EMS deposits this item in the nearest er. Sometimes ems treats/decontaminates/subdues the item on the way-note the firetruck following the ambulance. Firetrucks are dynamite little de-contaminators. The ER (in my experience) uses vast volumes of soap and water to wash off the ick, and eye irrigation with saline.

Sugar confuses the taste nerve impulses, I suspect, much like cold application can interfere with pain impulses in dealing with an athletic injury. Sugar is probably less effective topically.

Latest move has placed me in a neighborhood with a vast collection of free-roaming dogs. I chose to get an airhorn to discourage interaction-hate to mace the dogs, who are just being dogs-quite willing to mace the dumb owners. Saw airhorns in use at a dog-boarding facility to break up fights, and they seem to work well. No personal experience yet.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.