Originally Posted By: adam2
...so in fact, you planned and prepared to potentialy kill an intruder...

EXACTLY! And why is this considered bad? If an intruder decides to break into my house, I certainly hope that I have planned, prepared, and practiced what to do in such an encounter. Running around like a nitwit doing "impulsive acts" is about as stupid as it gets.

I was just at the rifle range today, actually practicing to shoot an attacker if it comes to that. I was even using targets with pictures of armed assailants on them. And an AK47. And next I practiced with .45's and 9mm's too. With high capacity magazines. I do not want an encounter with an intruder. I hope that never happens. But if it does - because of the ACTIONS OF THE INTRUDER - I plan to be ready to protect myself and my family.

"Impulsive acts" are considered GOOD??? What an idiotic way of thinking.