Originally Posted By: JIM

Fugushima's right next to the pacific ocean..

Well, isn't there a way to transport the fuel rods and dump them into the sea? That will keep them cooled right?

Eventally they are going to have to remove the fuel rods, or what's left of them. The problem is at the moment those rods are too hot and too damaged to move. Also, if transported unshielded, they will administer a lethal dose of radiation to anybody in the area within 18 minutes. For reference; A dose of 6-10 Sieverts (Sv) is fatal even with treatment, and Chernobyl (which had exposed rods) was pumping out 20 Sv/hour.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane