Originally Posted By: Blast
how do you find your family?

After 9/11/2001 having to fight to get into downtown, then wait for my wife to be allowed to leave (her work let the staff go last after the important people were safe) then having to fight the traffic to get home, our long term plans have come together. We are outside the outerbelt and live, work and go to school all within a couple mile radius.

Originally Posted By: Blast
How do you get home?

If we have to we can walk home, close enough.

Originally Posted By: Blast
How do you find aid stations?

Unless something went very wrong, we won't need those

Originally Posted By: Blast

Will you be able to get news from radios?

Most radio stations around here are crap for news. I turn on the scanner and listen to whats happening before the news even reports it.