Originally Posted By: JeanetteIsabelle

The end of the world as we know it has already happened. People want to rebuild but the world is still chaotic and most people may still be in survival mode.

Jeanette, who is from our time, has been thrown into a long-term survival situation and will remain in a survival situation until society is rebuilt.

Though forty-years-older, some of her family and other people she knows are still around. Her house is still in the family and her room has remained untouched. Anything of hers which can survive forty years is intact.

Jeanette is a Wilderness EMT getting ready for wilderness expedition when she suddenly finds herself in a survival situation. Since low-tech items (pots for boiling water, clothes, knife sharpeners, etcetera) will be available to her, my focus is for Jeanette to have gear she would most likely have on her and would give her the greatest advantage:

Adventure Medical Kits Mountain Medic[/url]
Pocket Survival Pack
Bottled water, 500ml (This is a common size for a bottle of water, it is easy to hold and is easy to do the math)

TEOTWAWKI to me likely includes loss of power grids and a mass die-off with a very few able to scratch out survival in a low to no-tech predominately agrarian society in which government will have reverted, at best, to bare-bones (law enforcement). No more government entitlement programs so the first order of business is shelter (your home which has miraculously survived intact -- including contents), water (sounds like you'll have plenty, just need to purify it) and food.

You're going to have to grow and/or hunt your own food, trade for it (goods or services) or steal it.

EMT is nice -- mostly because you can trade for your services. But I'd rather be a MacGyver -- one whose knowledge ranges far beyond just medical. Knowledge you can use and trade.

Have your character get a b.s. in mechanical engineering with a particular obsession with external and internal combustion engines. Then you could put that Texas oil to good use.

If my house were going to be intact and my tons of camping and hiking gear with it (which includes Ritter's MK3) then all I'd like to bring through the time portal is a backpack full of Luna Bars, dried fruit and antibiotics.

And aspirin. I anticipate lots of headaches.