Hmm, a brave new world indeed.

Okay, my $0.02:

Your heroine is about to suffer one hell of a systemic shock, right down through her very core. This cannot be understated: she has been transported to an alien planet. She will not enjoy the change.

Hardware is irrelevant. Social skills are priceless. Psychological resiliency is the difference between life and death. Related skills, perhaps, include a range of flexibility in what is morally palatable.

I hope she has had all her shots. Even so, she is utterly naked and helpless from an immunological view. She is a helpless infant, needing mother's milk.

Rebuilding civilization is a tricky prospect. Post-apocalyptic worlds, even though they may languish and regress by our standards, translate into new societies in a generation or three. Resistance to change from the 'known' is enormous; do not expect a welcome to her voice from the long-dead past; violent resistance is practically guaranteed. (See social skills, psychological resiliency, moral flex, above.)

We can only speculate about the range of technical and environmental/chemical surprises that will be part of the air, water, animals, plants, and people. Technical skills and savvy will have a large place, though discretion may keep her from being burned as a sorcerer.

None of this sounds terribly encouraging. Sorry. For training and conditioning, I suggest you drop your heroine somewhere in the Congo, circa 2011.
