Several years ago I mentioned I am involved in role playing. For a while I was wanting to be involved in a structured role play which deals with survival because, while nothing will replace the real thing, the nature of a structured role play game has a way of pointing out things overlooked that all the planning in the world could never do.

Last year I joined such a role play game because it is a fun way to test what I have learned in theory and I expect it to point out things which I probably have overlooked. Though it started last year, I still have time to prep my player-character based on myself because she joins the story later and because some of the other players are dragging their feet.

The story takes place in 2050, a post apocalyptic world. The end of the world as we know it has already happened. People want to rebuild but the world is still chaotic and most people may still be in survival mode.

My player-character, Jeanette, is transported from 2010 to 2050. How that happened is not important. Jeanette, who is from our time, has been thrown into a long-term survival situation and will remain in a survival situation until society is rebuilt. Jeanette, however, has several things in her favor: Though forty-years-older, some of her family and other people she knows are still around. Her house is still in the family and her room has remained untouched. Anything of hers which can survive forty years is intact.

Since the plot involves the player characters on a trek, I wanted to give Jeanette every reasonable advantage since she would not have any foreknowledge of being transported to a post apocalyptic world. Jeanette is a Wilderness EMT getting ready for wilderness expedition when she suddenly finds herself in a survival situation. Since low-tech items (pots for boiling water, clothes, knife sharpeners, etcetera) will be available to her, my focus is for Jeanette to have gear she would most likely have on her and would give her the greatest advantage:

Adventure Medical Kits Mountain Medic
Pocket Survival Pack (Other than the Pico Lite, Jeanette doesn't need anything from the Plus)
PICO Lite (Because replacement batteries will not be available, it makes sense to give her something small)
Bottled water, 500ml (This is a common size for a bottle of water, it is easy to hold and is easy to do the math)

Civil discussion is appreciated. Maybe some have done something like this before or even thought about doing something like this. As I said nothing will replace the real thing but this is better than all the planning in the world. It may help to point what I have overlooked before I am "tested." I am open to ideas for gear and things other than gear.

Note: I am not affiliated with Adventure Medical Kits or Sentry Solutions.

Jeanette Isabelle
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday