I must be honest I have never eaten a real Military MRE, but seeing the ones in all the camp stores, started me thinking. First I noticed the price and yes for convenience they seem to fit the bill, but they have a high concentration of stuff my body really does not need, salt and calories for starters. Granted i am now 55 but I'm not ready to be put out to pasture I just want to eat better.

Having changed jobs a few years ago my sales traveling patterns have changed and I am now generally at a place for a few days and nights and it is no fun to eat without friends and family so i have started to eat more heat and serve meals while I read or work. For breakfest I moved from instant oatmeal to regular oatmeal but i only cook (heat)till tender vs. a wet ball of goo. I add my own banana's, peanut butter/natural, and/or raisins,, etc. So yes this is not an "official" MRE it is to me. As i moved to lunch and dinner and the fact I wanted to eat better and at a lower cost, i started packing my travel MRE's (dry food packs) at home and taking with me for the week/month.

Yes you are right in the sense of military MRE's I am not, but in the general sense i look for better recipes both health wise and dollar costing.

Thanks for all your suggestions I have learned a lot once again.

God Be with you all.